
Merry Christmas Images

In Scandinavia, the Norse observed Yule from December 21, the winter solstice, through January. In acknowledgment of the arrival of the Sun, fathers and children would bring home substantial logs, which they would set ablaze. The general population would devour until the log wore out, which could take upwards of 12 days. The Norse trusted that each start from the fire spoke to another pig or calf that would be conceived amid the coming year. The finish of December was an ideal time for festivity in many zones of Europe. At that season, most dairy cattle were butchered so they would not need to be bolstered amid the winter. For some, it was the main season when they had a supply of crisp meat. What's more, most wine and lager made amid the year was at last aged and prepared for drinking. In Germany, individuals regarded the agnostic god Oden amid the mid-winter occasion. Germans were startled of Oden, as they trusted he made nighttime flights through the sky to watch h